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Tim Berndt - The Natural Echo Project
Tim Berndt is a singer / songwriter, musician, recording engineer, photographer, and world traveler... from South Dakota to Taiwan to Monterey, California, and many places in between. The above image is a photograph of Tim taken during his travels.
Tim's web site on is called Natural Echo Studios, click the link to hear a number of songs from two of his Greatest Hits? CDs: (Vol. 1, Natural Acoustics & Vol. 2, Mostly Rock). Performance credits by Tim include: acoustic & electric guitars, lead & backing vocals, engineering & mixing, and occasional synths, special effects, keyboard bass, & percussion. Many, many other people helped this music creation since 1983.
Tim Berndt: "My adventure with these songs has been an extended one, but like Captain Kirk said while dying beneath the twisted metal of that collapsed skywalk on Veridian III, 'It's been fun...'."
Click here to learn more about Tim Berndt - The Natural Echo Project
Click here to go to Tim's
© 2001-2019 Tim Berndt & Trimordial Studio. All Rights Reserved.
Web site design by Trimordial Studio Las Vegas
Audio recording studio.
Graphics, fine & commercial art, & web site design.
Web site Hosted by The FaRo entertainment & business services Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 8/22/19